Grit dog wrote:
Maybe I wasn’t clear but what I was saying is even with or without any of the grease zerk devices, a hub does not need to be “full” to get grease to both bearings.
Centrifugal force while spinning combined with the grease heating up and becoming less viscous is the actual reason that bearings don’t run out of grease until there is just not enough left or it gets so old and crusty it quits working.
there was a rash of bad berrings a few years ago (6 to 10) mine was one of them, where on my first trip I had a berring heat up to the point I had to pull over. what was found in the investagation was the factory or dealership never filled the berring as per the instructions so there wans't enough grease in there which led to the inner berring failing. two of the other ones were on the virge of failing when I took it in. so since then all I do is have the tire rotating as I pump and you pump till you see grease coming out. I use enough to replace about 1/3 of the grease in the hub each spring when I do this and in the last 6 years my heat gun has never showen a tem when I stop that is even remotly warm.. they actualy run pretty cool now that there filled properly.