fj12ryder wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Timmo! wrote:
Then again, apps like GasBuddy can lead you to the most affordable gas station, which coincidentally, are seldom right off the interstate. Last October, I saved a buck a gallon by driving 1.5 miles further into town, lol where the locals bought their gas.
Not always so easy when your overall length is 67'.
Bingo. That is one of the best reasons for a auxiliary fuel tank: you can fill up at the end of the day after you've dumped the trailer. I like being the one deciding where I'll fuel up, rather than the truck deciding, "Hey it's time to stop".
At the end of a long day of towing that's the last thing I want to do is get fuel. Most times I don't unhook when spending one night like tonight at the Elk's Campground.
Sure I pay more but honestly those days of tripping over every dime have long passed!!!