Me Again wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
ferndaleflyer wrote:
2 posts above I disagree with. 1- the big tanks do save a lot of money and 2 I have been in that same Kroger in GA with my DP with the same trailer at 72ft no problem. I never had any store discount and put 100+ gallons in the DP. It’s a choice and if you want to ride you have to buy fuel no matter what it costs.
Ya simply don't want to take chances when there are two trailers behind the tow vehicle considering access and egress.

I would over the evening phan my morning fuel up if require with Google Earth, planning my route into and out of a filling station, when we towed the 39'4" 5th wheel.
Hmmmm, I don’t need fuel in the morning many times as it’s purely random what my fuel level is at the end of the towing day.
I get fuel as needed along the way.