Cummins12V98 wrote:
You towing 34k combined with a 13’ 4” high and 102” wide RV?
LOL. No.
IMO, anyone towing 34k combined with a 13’ 4” high and 102” wide RV is a fool. Why tow a house when you can buy a large home that is attached to a foundation, located on property?
My 5th wheel is low profile and lightweight. I get slightly better fuel mileage towing it with the 2019 Ram. But because my 15 year old Ford V10 has a bigger fuel tank, I can tow the same 5th wheel the same distance on one tank.
I was hoping for better fuel mileage with the Ram, but the fuel mileage on the diesel isn't really that great. It's just slightly better than a 15 year old F350 with a V10 and 4:30's

BTW, this is not a commercial for Sinclair.
The fuel mileage I got with the Ram towing a 34' bumper pull with the Ram numerous times to and from Utah wasn't great either. When I'm not towing anything, it's totally different. I'll get 17 mpg. But, once I hook up a trailer to the Ram, the fuel mileage tanks. IMO, it's just a wussy truck with a heavy hunk of iron under the hood. LOL.