Cummins12V98 wrote:
Guess I am a “FOOL” to haul a nice large RV. Must be extra foolish as I also own a 2,500’ rambler in NW WA on property with a 30x40 shop.
Curious why you don’t sell that RAM as it seems you are not happy with it.
On flT ground towing at 60 I will bet you get 9-10 with the RAM and no way more than 7.5 with the gasser same conditions.
Whether you’re a fool or not is not really in question here.
However Devo seems to have slipped into the, what appears to be typical of many on here, grumpy old man, bitsch about everything syndrome. And therefore he’s acting like a TOOL.
To the point of putting down other good folks for the type of RV trailer they have??
Some people just live sad, spiteful lives.