Devo the dog wrote:
In my opinion, a heavy TALL RV is foolish. It has a tall roof, that contains air space you can't use. And, what does that get you? A tall structure that does nothing more than push air as you tow it. Why not throw a parachute behind the RV also?...
Well, you might do a bit of research before you rant about the foolishness of a high roof. Some toyhaulers need a high roof to contain the long ramp they have to unload their trailers. Believe it or not, not everyone will abide by your opinions, and some people resent being called a fool by someone who thinks they know it all. Hint: they don't.
And oh yeah, I like my Ram. :) And I get better mileage than you do, when pulling pulling my "heavy, TALL RV". Maybe it isn't the truck...? :)