JRscooby wrote:
OkieGene wrote:
^^^^^^^^ "do is give you a better chance to hoard fuel." ^^^^^^^^^^^
That wasn't very nice, was it? No need to get snarky.
I'm thinking of those people who have a small fuel tank in their rig and can't get to another station to get fuel.
What the heck is wrong with that?
Sorry if I offended you. But If you had 1000 gallon tank, and it was MT you would be no better off than me with a MT 25 gallon tank.
OTOH just like people when they saw TP in the store buy a 6 month supply so others could not get what they need.
And I'm sure that this kind of thing happens couple times a month...
And all this in convince to cry about, it is still against the rules to talk about the actions taken to be sure we don't prevent it.
In the 70's it was 8 gal max in the Seattle area. My 74 K10 SNB had three tanks. OEM 16, 18 saddle on the other side and 30 where the spare tire mounted.