You anti large fuel tank folks are the best entertainment short of stand up comedy.
Whether one thinks someone else should find value in it or not, is not the question.
And the justifications are great....
" I have to pee, so might as well fill up"
" I don't care what fuel cost because I spent alot on the truck, so might as well fill up."
" My cataracts, goider and bunions and hemmeroids won't allow me to drive more than 227.4 miles per day, so might as well fill up."
"I could get car jacked and then the extra fuel was a wasted expense, might as well fill up frequently."
I could apply y'alls goofy justifications to say that the folks who do, or wish they could pack extra fuel are dumb to many other everyday life tasks to show you how silly you sound.
"I don't eat a weeks worth of food every day, and I go to bingo daily, so might as well go grocery shopping every day."
"I only drink 2 beers a day, so no sense in buying a 12pack or a case, when I can get 2 gas station tallboys daily."
"My electric bill comes monthly, but I can pay 1/30th of it each day..."