Narc1370 wrote:
My equalizer bars have not been equal lately, and I've noticed they have become more and more uneven. This weekend, after getting to my campsite, I noticed the saddles were totally warped, one more than the other. The bolts were bent almost to a 45 degree angle. I can't figure out what would cause this? Any help or suggestions?
Unfortunately you haven't provided any specific details about your particular version of Equal-i-zer nor how old it may be. That's important because Progress changed the design of the frame saddle bracket assembly (specifically the outside link plate) several years ago because of the problem you're describing. The original L-bracket was part #90-02-5100, the redesigned L-bracket is part #90-02-5150, with the outer link plates also having different numbers. If yours is the original it wouldn't be surprising that it bent ... post a pic so we can first identify just which version you have. Otherwise, call
Progress Mfg, provide the serial number of your Equal-i-zer, describe the problem and they're sure to have a solution for you.