I can tell you that the BMW X5 35d has a max towed weight of 6,000 lbs in the US. For that matter, a 7300 lb GVW trailer is too much trailer for any of the current SUVs, even the ones that say they can pull 7500 lbs. The reason is that while all those are 3.0 liter diesels, fine engines all, the SUVs are just not enough truck for that much weight.
I have a BMW X5 35d and drag around a 5,000 lb GVW TT. It pulls great, even through the Rockies. But I wouldn't want to attempt 7300 lbs with anybody's 3 liter diesel. As mentioned earlier, all those 3 liter diesels are around 250 bhp, and around 425 ft-lbs of torque. Just not enough for your trailer.