Grit dog wrote:
Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
As for putting your dogs/cats or any other animal in your RV and driving down the road only an ass would do that!!! How about you ride in the back of that RV for 4 hours then come back and tell us how safe and great it was! The noise alone is defining would scare any animal to death.
Have you ever seen the inside of and RV after a crash? Every cabinet with all of it's contents will come flying off the walls, yes even the base cabinets! Even if you have your animals in a crate they most likely will not survive a crash.
So NO never put your animals in an RV traveling and securely crate your animals in your vehicle. Don't have room to do this, THEN LEAVE THEM AT HOME or stop RVing!
Quite opinionated I'll say.
I have the opposite opinion I guess. First of all, it IS legal for passengers to travel in some types of towed rvs and TCs in most or a lot of states.
Second, deafening noise? Idk. I spent some time in the TC with the kids while my wife barreled us cross country. The only inconvenience was when I missed the toilet disposingnof a couple used beers when she hit a bump.
Our dogs have ridden for days in the back of a truck, open, or with a topper. They even spent a week in the back of a utility trailer (contained by the ramp door and plywood sides) , on dog beds watching the scenery from here to AK. They never got ptsd. They hated flying though.
They're dogs. They eat their own poo and are happy if they're fed. Let's not overcomplicate it. Perty soon someone will say they need to have their seat belts on!
Our lab is happy in a kennel in the back of the truck too, and yeah it's loud back there especially on the freeway. I don't think she'd mind the trailer either unless it was too hot, although I've never tried it. Granted she's a good dog and a pretty happy go lucky breed. If Don has one of those little ankle biters that pees whenever it hears a loud sound he may have good reason for a different take on the matter.