Forum Discussion

OregonMan's avatar
Jul 26, 2022

Best security cameras for travel trailer?

Hi guys wondering if anyone can recommend good security cameras for a travel trailer? Many security cameras seem to require wireless internet which sometimes is not available when camping (even though I do have Starlink now, it really doesn't like trees).

Is there a security camera that connects to a satellite with a security service of some kind? Basically something that could reliably operate wherever I'm located? Or are "offline" cameras the only real option right now for travel trailers? Thanks for any tips.
  • Tyler0215 wrote:
    This doesn't answer your question but: the only thing a security camera is good for is to give you a poor picture of whoever took your stuff.


    Boy ain't that the truth..

    However, newer security cameras and DVR systems do have improved HD and low light capability that should prove somewhat more helpful. Perhaps a bit less blurry pix of who took your stuff.

    Although I echo the sentiment that if your RV needs this kind of "security" it is time to find a new home for it. It is on wheels and if it is a remote storage issue, time to find a better place to store.

    Most of all, for remote storage or camping in high crime areas (why?) a camera is useless, chances are your stuff will be long gone and already sold before you even get the notice. Keep up on some sort of insurance, while that won't save your RV, it will help to replace your stuff.
  • What is the problem you are trying to solve with cameras?
  • This doesn't answer your question but: the only thing a security camera is good for is to give you a poor picture of whoever took your stuff.
  • If you feel you need a camera and security system for your unit, then maybe you need to find a different place to park it. Been at this since 2004, thousand plus camp nights and have not had anything missing unless I forgot to take it when I left the campground. Did find lots of things left by previous occupants. As stated above, keep up your insurance and enjoy yourself.
  • valhalla360 wrote:
    ... Unless you have some special use case, probably best to simply keep the insurance up and if it gets stolen, use the insurance check to buy a replacement...but really it's not that common for people to steal them unless you are hanging out in bad areas and since you have wheels, there rarely is a reason to hang out in bad areas.

    I would second this. We've been full-time for 7 years and I have never felt the need for a security system. We've had one bicycle stolen. The thief cut a heavy-duty security cable and was gone in 30 seconds. This was in a higher-end park with security cameras... which didn't help a bit. (Our insurance reimbursed quite a bit more than the replacement cost for the bike.) We just lock up the little stuff and have good insurance.

  • Basically, if you want to observe a video feed remotely, there needs to be a way to get that video feed from the trailer to where you are.
    - Cheapest is a land line based internet but obviously, needs a really long cord, so that's not too practical with an RV.
    - Cell hot spot is a bit more but you need a cell plan that has enough data and need to be in a coverage area.
    - Certainly, you can do satellite but it's pretty much the most expensive option and you need a clear view of the sky in the vicinity of the the hassles of setting up each time you move.
    - An off line camera seems to defeat the purpose as you must find the RV to collect the camera.

    Unless you have some special use case, probably best to simply keep the insurance up and if it gets stolen, use the insurance check to buy a replacement...but really it's not that common for people to steal them unless you are hanging out in bad areas and since you have wheels, there rarely is a reason to hang out in bad areas.
  • I'm not sure what you are trying to build for a system, but I have these at my S&B Amazon
    Note my house is remote, I use a Mobile hotspot for internet which this ties into. When we travel the hotspot goes with me and I activate an old cellphone on a prepaid plan for a month and let it provide the web access. Setting 2 of these to notify me when they sense motion only uses a couple gigs of data per month and they do offer cloud storage. These do have an onboard micro sd card similar to a trail camera for when you have no service available.
  • I don't know of any that uses a satellite link, but a friend has a traditional home secirity system that uses its own cell phone plan at one of his 2 homes. Some of the YouTube nomads are using SimpliSafe in their trailers or RVs using a Jetpack or other cell phone router and cell phone signal boosters that seem to work for them.