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rbpru's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 04, 2016

Better shocks

We are finishing our third major trip (5000 miles or more) in three years and I am noticing a bit more bounce than in the past.

My F-150 4x4 is my day to day vehicle it is going on 5 years old and has 60,000 miles on it. About 20,000 are towing miles. The scales say when loaded for the road I have a 6200 lb TT with 600 lbs of tongue weight. I am near my max cargo limit.

The shocks are the OEM and I was wondering what shocks or other accessories other use. I have no issues with towing power, rear end sag and I run the tires at 40 psi. When towing the WD hitch levels the combo quite nicely. It just seems that after 3 years of towing, the shocks are just wearing out; I would like a more durable set.
  • Bucky Badger wrote:
    I noticed no difference from my OEM when I went to the Bil 4600s

    I think that Ford uses better shocks as OEM. The shocks on our F350 are actually quite good ( factory ).
    The OE shocks that came on my Nissan....all I can say is Nissan must have told the supplier, "give us shocks and we're gonna pay you about $1 each for them..." They were lame from the get-go. So I swapped them out immediately.
  • I've got the Rancho 9000XL's on my truck, and am quite happy with them. I chose them over the Bilstein's because the tube and the rod are much larger diameter. And, the Rancho's cost quite a bit less on sale and after rebate.
    The Rancho's are also a grayish color, rather than the yellow of Bilstein's.
    Monroe's are Rancho's street shocks. I would not recommend them for a truck or for towing.
  • I went to Bil 5100's on my Frontier and also added a Helwig rear anti-roll bar. Huge improvement in both day to day driving and towing handling.
  • Better shocks, of course. Now that 40 PSI in the tires may be an issue. You should have LT tires with a much higher pressure.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I switched over to Bilsteins and what an improvement. For years I read about people claiming that their ride has transformed since they slapped on Bilsteins, but I was never convinced. Always thought they were just another over priced shock and people were attempting to justifying their purchase lol. I purchased a set and the truck rode better than it did when the OEM shocks were new. Now, if Bilstein makes a set for one of my vehicles then they're going on.

    I'm not sure what year your truck is, but if it's a 09'-13' then Bilstein makes shocks for your truck. Since you have a 4x4 the 5100's may be a better choice since the shock has a little bit extra length over the 4600 series shocks. I don't believe they make a shock yet for the 14'-current trucks.
  • Monroe Reflex series have done well for me. Not as harsh as some HD shocks when empty and good damping when loaded.
  • I went from Rancho 9000 adjustable to Bilstein's . I think they are # 4600's with blue covers.

    Both were a great improvement over OEM's . I found that the adjusters on the Rancho's became corroded over time due to heavy road salt ( but that took a few years and 50k miles ). However , the quick n easy twist of the dial on each shock made the ride fine tunable, unloaded truck vs loaded truck. Setting range from 1 to 9 ( 9 being the stiffer ride )

    Both shocks work very well and made the ride loaded or unloaded, a real 'smoothie' .

    correction...I do have the 5100's . not 4600's .