First order was getting it cleaned up. After a few hours of scrubbing and a gallon on bleach it cleaned up rather well

Bigfoot was moved the barn, got it dried out, cleaned up. Did the mundane maintenance stuff - new poo vent covers, re sealed roof vents, covered fridge vent opening (not sure what I am gonna use for a fridge yet), Re-did the front jack mounts so they're not falling off. Also re drilled and re screwed the sides - typical older Bigfoot issues.

Prior owner cut the side cheeks for a narrower bed - and did not re glass. He did have the pieces, so with some aluminum, Sikaflex, and fat heat rivits, got them back together and sealed up.
Next part was to build a solid and stable flatbed platform. Pulled the flatbed off, shortened it, removed the headache rack, lowered the mounts 3". Since this is a dedicated hauler, decided to fabricate a frame mounted hitch extension into the flatbed.

After a lot of work the Bigfoot is now on the truck properly.

Next step is to finish fabricating the side frames and cargo doors.