bcbigfoot wrote:
On my 9.6 Bigfoot the sewer hose storage was approx. 18 inches long and extended into the basement storage wasting a lot of space and was also on the wrong side . I noticed that on the Northern Lites they use the 4 in. square tubing for the steps to store the sewer hose, this is a much better idea than Bigfoots space waster. So I cut open the welded on end cap of the steps 4 in. tubing and installed a end cap door that can be bought at Camping world or Northern Lite dealer. I also cut the old sewer storage tube off and capped it, freeing up one or two square feet in the basement. I can also use any length sewer hose now and was limited to approx. 5 ft. of sewer hose before. If your bigfoot has the platform and steps option this maybe a option for you.
I WISH I had the platform. The hose storage on mine doesn't go into the walled off basement, it's just in the skirt void above the drain valves. I've been out prepping it for a trip this morning. Yes, 1lb. propane bottles are a perfect fit. But...I started to slide the 1st one in there with the connection end first and thought "how am I going to get this thing out?" There's nothing to grab on the bottom of the bottles, so I put 2 bottles in bottom first and can grab the threaded connection to pull them out. Still thinking about cutting the tube off.
Does anyone know of a "platform/bumper" that will fit older Bigfoots?