Not knowing what other features you are looking for in an RV (number of slides, length, etc.) most RV bathrooms won't be any longer, or any wider than the bathtub. The bathroom in the rear probably gives you the most space, like your model does.
If you do not care if you have a bath tub or not, a camper with a shower only usually provides more space. (Bathtubs are not very functional in campers anyway ... way too small) Looks like you are only needing a camper for 2 people (one bed), so you do have lots of other options out there.
For what it's worth, if the slide is "in" on the camper you are looking at, you will not be able to access the bathroom at all. The slide will block the door.

Really, if you don't mind going a little longer, a floor plan like the Outback 298RE is fantastic, a great set-up for 2 people. I'm not prejudiced in the least bit! ;) But my wife and I just love this camper. Those dual opposing slides in the rear with windows all around, nice bathroom size in the middle, and queen bed with slide out closet provides nice space for everything ... although the total length of the trailer is 35 feet.