ktmrfs wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
It's ok as long as you don't make a habit out of it. Design limits are there for a reason and your truck was not designed for B20.
You will lose mileage and performance out of B20 and you will loose a whole bunch more with B100. I've seen what B100 can do to injectors over a long period of time and it's not good.
B20 has a BTU/gallon very close to #2 diesel, unlike ethanol fuel and it usually has a higher cetane rating. my 2015 is rated for b20 and my experiece is it has NO effect on mileage. In fact the best mileage I got so far with my 2015 duramax is 24.5mpg running B20, and that was for a 750 mile trip over the continental divide and two other mtn passes. And, yes that was had calculated. I still had 5 gallons in th tank when I filled up.
But yes, the 2004 is only rated for B5, although I have run B20 in it on occasion with no ill effects.
Yes, B20 and #2 is close in BTU's, (2.5% depending on feed stock) but you WILL lose mileage.
So many things affect mileage like head wind, tail wind, traffic and many more things so it's impossible to check mileage and come to any solid conclusion when your on testing on the road.