Got to my campground and discovered that the screw holding the cellular shade came out..I was gonna just screw it back in but there is no access to it.
do yourself a favor and as each day night shade pulls screws out or the string pops off (it will in time), replace each one with a roller shade instead. MUCH better than fooling with these junky contraptions. Got one to replace mine at walmart, about 8 bucks and well worth it
Those dopes screwed our metal mini blind directly through the headrail into the wall destroying the mechanism. I dunno, maybe use the brackets? Just a thought. SMH.
The valances are usually screwed to either the wall or the bottom of a cabinet. Locate the screws and take them out. Valance comes down, screw the shade back up, replace valance. BTW your going to need a square head screw driver.
I had to re-string some blinds last year. Mine were attached to the valence with an "L" Bracket. Taking the side and top valences off can be kind of tricky.
I assume the blinds are fabric. If you want, you should just be able to run a screw through the underside of the top of the blind, into the corner of the upper and side valance. should be a nailer (block) in that corner. Should be able to just push down on the blinds to move them out of your way, if they are fabric. Just make sure you use a screw that is long enough to to the job, but short enough that you dont run it through the other side and have it polk through the valence.