Forum Discussion

segen77's avatar
Mar 20, 2014

Bolt post for bunk end broke off

Here's another one for all of you with more experience. The bolt post that the bunk end screw screws on to has broken off. One rivet is still partially stuck to the frame, and the other is a hole. It appears to have a wood frame backing. My question is, should I drill out the broken rivet and use really aggressive screw to put the bolt back on, or should I try another rivet? The potential issue I can see with trying another rivet is that I will have to drill a small hole in the wood backing for the rivet to fit into since I'm pretty sure the original rivets were attached to the frame before it was put into the trailer.

Thanks again for all they help and information.

Edit. The bolt is fine, it simply broke loose from the rivets.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I typed the OP title into google search and came up with these two pictures. Don't know if this is what the OP is talking about or not...

    Roy Ken