Just got back from our first trip and thought I would report back. The buying experience at Sumner RV was perfect. Walk through was thorough, paper work quick and easy, got my hitch dialed in.
Played around with my air bags a little and found not needed at all. When I put a little air in them I sway a little since I lift off of my bump stops. Tows great, but I know it's there for sure. I couldn't imagine towing this with a 1/2 ton. It is a heavy rig for a 24' . Dry is about 6500, so wet I figure is 8-8500. Gvw of the TT is 11k. This rig doesn't say light on the side of it for a reason! Tows great, super happy, ready to tackle the cascade mountains.
First trip was on the Hood Canal, WA. Dug clams, shucked oysters and a lot of RnR. Had time to read through the manuals and such. Really loving the space coming from a TC. Only thing I missed was just pulling into the grocery store without planning and hoping for enough room to park.