...glad the OP's truck is back in business. The only thing that would worry me about such a frame repair is the reported substantial change in the repaired truck's driving characteristics. This would worry me immensely. The post repair feel in my estimation, should behave like a new vehicle (barring any suspension and wheel modifications the owner may have made post-purchase). I would have applied for an insurance claim for a potential write-off if it were me (but it wasn't me). wonder what kind of guarantee the repair facility has offered the OP ???? Was there a liability release in the guarantee ?
As Travelnuts elaborates, there is no intuition involved in the design and engineering of today's vehicles (or satellites, or space shuttle, or nuclear power plants, or aircraft, etc) , so the same level of engineering, technology and procedure absolutely has to go into a structural repair -- guess-work and pure "experience" with no substantial technical connection to the vehicle manufacturer will have nothing to do with a successful vehicle frame repair or structural repair on a building or an aircraft or subway car or ship; only engineering and a detailed procedural write-up {like Ford and GM have} followed absolutely to the letter by a repair venue, will work. Anything else: and you are playing with your life.
Good luck,