time2roll wrote:
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
time2roll wrote:
Road surface caused a lot of bucking with my pop-up pulled with an S10. I think the harmonics on the local freeway really did it just wrong. Many other road surfaces it was fine. Ultimately the F150 cured the issue with a combination of stiffer suspension, longer wheelbase and more weight. Never had a weight distribution hitch.
You are one brave dude w/o the WDH. But then again, you are the pro.
Do you think WDH is always needed on a 3500 GVWR trailer?
I'm not an expert.
The dude who walked me through just recommended sway bars and actually said I don't need one, as I'm in the zone of tow vehicle matching my RV.
But I bought and installed one anyways. And I can feel the difference -- plus the peace of mind that my safety is not resting on that single 2 5/58" ball and a 2x2 steel bar.