Torklift tie downs and fast guns are the best you can get. Try Tweety's prices as we saved quite a bit more than others. They also have free shipping.
Even though you may not think you're not DIY savvy, the install is fairly easy. My husband did it in about 3 hours including the super hitch.
I'm putting the cart before the horse as you have no TC as yet. Just don't discount Torklift based on cost.
Also, you didn't say what type of camping you do or who will accompany you. That will determine what TC should be matched to your camping style.
Read everything in truck camper university. It will answer most of your questions. Go through old threads. Someone asked the same questions a couple of weeks ago. He ended up buying a TC larger than was recommended. He says it's fine. Some will say yes and some say no.
Safety and comfort should be your main focus. Evaluate your "must haves" and "would likes". It might surprise you. You should also be aware that TC weights can be deceiving; (they many times weigh more than the listed weight).