I had such a nieghbor once. A similar situation. only the beef was a few dead palm tree fronds. The second time I happened to catch the enforcement officer inspecting my house. I pointed out other houses in view from my house with far worse violations. A couple actually had dead trees. I asked why nothing was being done to them. The officer replied that I was the only complaint he had on my street, but if I wanted to file a complaint, he would take action. I said no I do not want to do that. But I would like to know who is complaining about me. He said he could not tell me. I told him "OK, but please give them a message for me. Any more complaints, and I will paint my house pink with big purple polka dots. That is legal as the only thing the law states is that paint must be in good condition." The officer got a big grin on his face. I never had any more complaints.