Not to go off topic but I got a couple wood storage sheds at a Great price....I have a 10' concrete block retaining wall with a 6' wooden fence on top of that separating myself and the neighbor behind me. Being the sheds were wood, there was some hammering, nail gun usage but I honestly used more screws because I was aware of the noise hammering makes. Long story short, my neighbor above me didn't like me hammering in my own yard....she called the city saying I was illegally constructing a building on my property. Of course they came out and said I was fine but I'd have to come down and pay a fee(100.00)...not a building permit but just a Code fee.
It still makes me laugh because I'm an old fart and I never started before noon and finished after only 2-3 took me 6 weeks, so I wasn't out there every day either. You can't please everyone!!!