Comply or remove......simple decision
Council is not going to budge
Small Town...complaint politics prevail
I live in one also...12K
Use to go to Council Weekly Meetings. Would come home all wound-up due to the Idiots on the council and there 'thought' process
After 6 months of this I quit going...wasn't worth the heartburn, blood pressure and just being peed off
Life has been much better.........still idiots on the council cause they have 'ties' to community (Once again Small Town Politics at large)
My 5vr is parked on my property with FHUs right out in the open....cause THAT was a requirement when we were looking to buy
Comply or Storage....
*Hate to see a good tree removed, along with the other needed work/monies but if you want it on site.....comply and be done with it
Storage until Spring...then do the needed mods