Forum Discussion

SpeakEasy's avatar
Dec 28, 2020


I've been living in my current home (which I own) for over 17 years. It's located in a small city of about 11,000 people. My property is a half-acre, fairly level lot on a suburban-style street. The neighborhood was developed between the late 1960's and 1970's. I've kept a travel trailer parked in my driveway for the last 5 years, and I had a popup parked in the driveway for 12 years before that.

Last week I got a citation from the city, telling me that I am in violation of a city ordinance. Apparently, from Dec. 1 to April 1 I am not allowed to keep the travel trailer in my driveway in the front of my house. The paperwork indicates that this ordinance was established in 2001 - two years before I moved here. There has never been any indication before now that I couldn't park in my own driveway. The city relies on community members to report violations, so evidently someone decided that they didn't like looking at my travel trailer and they blew me in. I am not happy. I've been given until the end of January to get the trailer out of my driveway.

I'm allowed to park it in my back yard, but I can't get the trailer back there without some property modifications. On one side of the house I have enough space to get through, but I have to remove a spruce tree, trim some branches on some other trees, and do some leveling. I will have to drive on the lawn in order to get the trailer back to the space I will park it in. I'm able and willing to do these property modifications, but the whole thing is a PITA. Obviously, an alternative would be to find an off-site storage site for the months in question.

Any advice or comments on the choices I face? Anyone else doing something similar to what I'm describing for back-yard storage?

  • Before you do anything is it possible you could go to the city fathers and politely plead your case and ask for a waiver explaining how long you have had it there with out any notice?

  • Well, you only have two choices.
    I park my TT in the back yard on a cement pad for the tires and jack. The only problem is getting in or out after a rain, or in the spring thaw. Otherwise it works for me fine. Only once was rain a problem and I was able to park in the driveway for a couple of days till the ground dried out a little.
    Blankety, Blank Busybodies!
  • Other than paying the citation and modifying your property, I don't. Sorry about your situation.