Forum Discussion

Danattherock's avatar
Aug 14, 2013

Buying first camper. Few simple questions...

Found the forum last night and read till 0300. Great info and community here. Wife and I got 9 month old son and 18 month old German Shepherd. All of a sudden, tent camping is losing its luster. Thinking a travel trailer might be the ticket. We are in south central NC. I have a 2004 Tahoe 2WD with 5.3 liter. As I recall, tow weight max is around 6500-6700 lbs. As wife and are going to look at campers in the next few days, I was hoping for some insights here. Few quick questions for anyone with the time to share.

Would a 4,500 lb camper be about right for my tow vehicle?

Do you use generators or is all power supplied by just plugging into 120 volt at most campgrounds. Life long tent camper here. Just rented a few RV's in Alaska, but was in campgrounds that were closed for the season.

What are the 'hidden cost' of running around with a travel trailer? All hobbies have them. Ha ha.

Is storing under carport good enough or is indoor storage worthwhile. Looking at adding a second garage anyway, curious if it would be worthwhile long term to store indoors or if it would be over kill. Other option is the large aluminum carport cover beside my other garage. Gravel on ground. Curious about proper storage.

Is there a certain size you might suggest. Guess weight limitations on my towing capacity will dictate much. Would like to sleep 4 adults and 2-3 kids at times. Mostly will be wife, son, dog, and I. Generally speaking, should I focus on 25', 27', 30', etc...

What kind of insurance do you guys/gals suggest. Curious what the annual cost is. Looking at a $15,000-25,000 camper. Again, wondering about the hidden cost.

Last but not least, where do you take these things. I have intentionally avoided the very campgrounds I now seek in the past. We usually tent camp in primitive settings. I have never been to a KOA. Clueless. But the main thing I need to justify this purchase is what kind of trips we could take. We are big fly fisherman, fresh and salt. We got numerous kayaks, canoes, and two whitewater rafts. We also golf and enjoy photography and day hikes. Love the mountains and the coast. Just wondering where you folks have been. I am not interested in pulling into the same campground each weekend. Want to get out 4-12 hour drives from home. We are travel nurses and work 3 days a week. Want to get ideas on 3-5 day trips. Anywhere from Florida to West Virginia.

Thanks for any ideas. I am sure your patience wears thin with all the noob questions.

  • Welcome Dan- lots of info here. You've come to the right place. Just sift through the responses.
    BTW just south of you here in the "prettiest town in Dixie"