I've been using a CPAP for close to 24 years & 10 of that camping. If you use a humidifier with the CPAP, your power needs will increase. If you don't already have a 12 volt adapter, get the "one made for your machine" from any CPAP supplier. The adapter will allow you to plug directly into any 12 volt receptacle that's available. The alternative to that is use a "pure sine wave" inverter & the same power cord you use at home. I personally do not use a humidifier. I use the 12 volt adapter connected directly to a small 35amp AGM battery next to the bed, it lasts 2-3 nights before recharging is needed.
Assuming you have a single 12 volt battery for the RV, consider my alternative & have in place a method of charging both the coach battery & dedicated CPAP battery if that's the way you go. A single 12 volt battery will give you anywhere from 40-60 usable amps @ 50% SOC for the RV & CPAP & that's not enough