Forum Discussion

jasonpeloquin84's avatar
Aug 08, 2013

Camper a/c not working

I have a 95' Terry camper and last hunting season in the middle of the night, the refrigerator, radio, all lights that don't run on 110v and the a/c went out. When I got into it I found that the power converter went out. I changed it recently and everything that was off starting working again except for the a/c. The whole time that the converter was out I just assumed that was the reason for the a/c not working but I found out later that the a/c didn't have anything to do with the PC. I have been told that its possible that when the PC went out it may have fried the board in the a/c. I have checked all wiring to the board and its all good, I checked the thermostat and it's good, also checked all breakers and fuses on the panel. Is there anyway to test the board without it being hooked up (brought the board home, camper is at hunting camp 2 hours away)? Or any other ideas on what could be my problem?
  • I have already checked all wiring that i could reach and that includes where you take the plastic filter screen and filter off on the inside of the camper and all of the wiring ties into the board. The only area that i worked in during the change out was where the actual convertor was. It has 5 wires that connected to it, not counting the power wire. 1 ground, 2 that go into a pos port, 2 that go into a neg port. The thought did cross my mind that one of those wires in the 2 pos/neg ports may have a bad connection, but even though i'm not exactly sure where those wires go, i wouldnt think any of them belong to the a.c. unit. Plus, the a/c stopped worked the second the convertor went out..before i even touched anything to try to troubleshoot.
  • Can you get a volt meter to the AC unit and see if you have 120V to it? Is it possible that when you installed the converter, you could have disconnected one of the wires that leads to the circuit breaker for the AC?