Mine came with manual jacks.
Would I drop $1500 for electrics? Heck no, that's almost what the camper's worth!
Would I turn up my nose at a camper with electric jacks out of some ill-conceived notion of manliness? Heck no, I'm as lazy as the next guy.
The kicker: Would I pay extra for electric jacks? There's the toughie. Given that I only load/unload 1-2 times a year and I leave the camper setting high, I'd probably go with manual jacks.
It only takes 4 trips around the camper to unload. First trip is to run the jacks down to the ground with a drill. Second, third, and fourth time around is 10, 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, 10, 10, 20, 10 10, and the camper is up. By throwing 20 turns to the 4th jack and every 3rd jack after that, I add an extra round in without actually walking around the camper!