Rhodesia, something not mentioned yet in this thread but easily gleaned from another current thread is that the truck bed could be crowned front to back causing an actual difference compared to the camper sitting flat on the truck bed.
And some advice on your suspension, idk how you could possibly have enough suspension squat to “level” the truck with 3000lb helper springs and 80psi in airbags. Something isn’t adding up here as just the airbags at that pressure would take all the camper weight off the springs and likely raise the back end a little as well. Not to mention the additional helpers.
That is unless the truck has a significant level/lift kit in front and couldn’t take any weight without looking like it is dragging arse.
Or in short, your suspension setup in the rear is wrong and too stiff for the weight you’re carrying.
I do know your model of F250 has very compliant rear springs unless you have the camper package, so it’ll take more assistance than comparable trucks to hold the weight level, but still nowhere ESC what you’re running. It must drive like a pogo stick with that much air and none of your springs are doing any real work holding dead load.