Yep, a big something, but not for the reasons stated above. I would widen your search to include a large Class C (with almost no step to get in).The older you get, the less appealing a TC becomes. It's simple:
1. Many rickety steps to climb just to get into the box, especially with a 4WD.
2. A couple very tall steps to climb into the sack.
Older knees and backs don't appreciate the climb over and over again. It's not just those steps that get rickety.
3. Much reduced living space, storage space and no 'good' easy chair with which to recline.
Luckily, my Queen (Jean) does not mind and actually appreciates the compactness and park-camp-or-go anywhere versatility of the TC. But it's not for everyone. Also, we have only spent a total of 5 weeks at a time in the box; hardly 5 or 6 mo.'s worth. But we do have a 4 mo. trip coming up at this time next year. We'll see how our tolerance to proximity and tight quarters works out.
We've been married 46 years, so I can appreciate your predicament. My Jeanie too is a gourmet cook, but can make something out of seemingly nothing on the road, and that works for me. A TC is like a short, cheap, stubby cigar: you want to live with it outside, and quickly.
regards, as always, jefe