We have a u shaped dinette in our camper. We didn't pay a lot for it so I didn't mind upgrading the cushions. Ordered new foam online and had them covered at a local upholstery shop. We went from the usual 4" to 6" and got very firm ones. Sits so much better! I also did away with the big table and replaced it with a round one since we just need a place to sit drinks and almost never eat in the camper. I also keep the "bridge" used to convert to a bed under the seat cushion and pull it out for a foot rest. Pretty easy. The Foam Factory is a good source for foam and will save you a couple hundred over letting a shop supply their own. We added a couple of bed rest pillows, the things with arms and it is very comfortable for reading and watching TV on rainy evenings, and there's still room for the pups.