Forum Discussion

brahlf's avatar
Oct 25, 2013

Camper storage

I would like to take the camper off my truck this winter. What is the preferred way of storing and supporting it? It is a small camper out of a Jeep Comanchee.

I have thought about 4 x 4's, 30 gallon drums, saw horses.
  • Go find some free pallets and stack them 3 or 4 high. Leave one of the back pallets stick out a little further to act as a step.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Your truck camper probably looks similar to this photo...

    Why can't you just drop it down to the ground with its legs and let it sit on top of the ground. Then run some straps from the four corners to some ground anchors to keep the wind from blowing it over??? Throw a tarp over the whole thing maybe...

    Just my thoughts
    Roy Ken
  • If it were me storing for the winter I would lower the camper as low as it would go until next season. Just my two cents