kohldad wrote:
Always check with the park staff as it depends and can vary even among different campgrounds in the same NP. As far if I will ask or not depends on availability more than cost (most places I stay it's the same cost anyhow). Availability will also depend on the same time of the year. Julian Price on the Blue Ridge Parkway is a good example. Certain times of the year the tent section is fuller than the RV section, so then I stay in the RV section. At other times, RV has very few spots available but the tent section is wide open so then I will ask for a tent site with no problem to leave an RV site open for someone that really needs it.
One thing I should mention is my TC is just as quiet as a tenter with the exception of my waterpump. I don't have a generator, tv, or radio so no noise pollution except for the waterpump which I try to limit as much as possible when I'm in a tent site. That means I won't take a shower or wash dishes while there. I do this out of respect to the tenters that have also come for quiet. May not seem like a lot of noise for a quiet item, but when it's the only thing making noise, it's extremely loud to one trying to listen to the crickets.
Agree. If someone has never camped at Julian Price, or Linville Falls. They have no idea how loud things can be. When you can hear a propane lantern burning 100' away. Do they really think there is any such thing as a "quiet" generator. Trust me. there is not.