frequent washing helps
my 2002 komfort with painted corrugated aluminum siding looks new.
i wash it after every use , without exception.
i use one of those 9 inch wide X 3 inch deep soft bristle truck brushes mounted onto a 6 foot handle.
i pour a 5 gallon pail of hot water.
spray a section of trailer .
rinse the brush out in Hot water
lay down a stripe of palmolive on the truck brush
wash my reasonable size section
rinse it off with the garden hose
and repeat.
i use a couple of different wash mitts to get the intricate spots.
I detail my fancy german cars
i use a clay bar to get them nice
i polish my cars very frequently
they are very shiny
my TT sits 90 % of the time under a 3 sided shed
it always looks good .
it is shiny enough just by washing it very frequently .
i have no black streaks