I have one of those HH Roadtrips and it worked well but with 2 complaints:
1. The stupid power cord plugs in at bottom of the side so you can’t simply stick the radio into a cup holder without running on batteries. Duh!
2. The internal speaker quit after little use. I spent quite some time trying to pry and look for hidden screws to take it apart to fix it but gave up. It still works if you plug in an external speaker, which is kind of pointless on a handheld.
I have a 30 year old Uniden under dash that’s still going strong. We frequently use it when traveling with family that also has a CB. Much better audio quality than an FRS or cell phone and mounted means it’s always right where you expect it to be when you need it. Still legal for the driver to use too in Oregon. I’ve often warned those behind me of oncoming traffic on narrow roads or large bumps/potholes. No time to make a phone call or tell your passenger to tell them.