BC4277 wrote:
Do any of you use (or just listen to) a CB radio when travelling? If so, what kind do you use? I'm thinking of using a magnetic antennae to mount on the roof of my pickup. Any suggestions on brands and features I should be looking for?
Does your spotter use a handheld when you are backing up? Again, what kind works?
Thanks, Bryan
1. yes, i use when traveling and backing 5th wheel into RV sites and in my yard at home
2. Cobra
3. Buy a magnetic Wilson antenna, the taller the better. Don't buy one of those little cute short antennas or your range will be limited for clear cb contacts.
4 .Cobra or Uniden are about the same quality. Make sure they have the National Weather Service feature that will automatically alert you to a pending disaster, even when the CB is not turned on.
5. Yes , I bought a hand held Cobra CB. we turn both CB's to channel 16 or any channel that does not have a lot of traffic going on.
6. Channel 17 and 19 are used primarily by truckers who can give you current road conditions, detours or accidents in your area.
7. And last but real important, ask the truckers " Break break on 17, what did you leave behind you?" Translated " where are the Bears or Calif. Hwy. partrol cars? the truckers will also give the milage marker where they last saw a Bear.