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Judy_D's avatar
Mar 07, 2014

changed my mind about selling

after looking at the prices of new trailers and going home and thinking about it for a while I have actually decided to keep ours. Its paid for , We know how it's been taken care of ( did I mention it's paid for ) . Going home and thinking about it for a few days was one of the smartest things . Although I was caught up in all the new models and styles to start with, boy I would have hooked ours up , hauled it in and signed the papers that day. So now its haul all our stuff back out and repack every thing. But this was a good thing too ! I was quite suprised at how much extra and unused stuff we had .
And Best of all NO PAYMENT !!
  • It took awhile but we finally found the ideal TT for us (see sig), lightly used, now ours and paid for. Granted we had to go from Texas to Oregon to seal the deal but couldn't be happier. I still look at other models and floor plans online from time to time, but I can't image getting a different rig unless or until this one wears out. Lots of mile to go and looking forward to each one.

    Happy trails.
  • Sounds a like a smart move.

    We recently had a similar experince. Our family grew a bit quiker than planned and we outgrew our TT, which was a model year 2012 bought new in 2011. We deided we wanted a bigger floor plan that would fit us better. We put a plan in place, sold ours on Craigslist in Dec (took 4 weeks) and headed to several dealers to cut the best deal possible on a new unit. After grinding with a sales rep at one particular dealership and not getting exactly the deal we wanted I left. Once home I hit the internet looking for other options...stumbled accross a private party used model year 2012 in the same brand/floorplan we had just been trying to buy new. Long story short, went to check the used TT and bought it on the spot. Ultimatly I got exactly what I wanted, same model year I previously had, only paid $2K more that I sold my orignial unit for. We are now very happy to have the TT we wanted and even happier to not jumped into a huge loan.

    We aren't as fortunate as you to have no loan, but we only have a 24mth loan and then no more payments for us too.
  • We're going to do just the opposite. Think we'll hang it up this year. Getting to be way too much of a hassle. Hauling- maintenance- insurance- storage- modifications- reservation hassles etc....

    Plus the price of fuel is skyrocketing again- Gee just in time for summer camping trips.....
  • Yup, and there is no guarantee the new one would have been any better. If you have one you like and it's still serving you well then you might as well keep it. But, I also understand getting bitten by the "Oooo that new one is so nice" bug. It's a terrible dieses there should be a 12 step plan for it.
  • I understand how you feel too. We wanted to go bigger and there are floor plans and features that we now know would fit us much better. The thing is our trailer has been trouble free for three seasons and while not paid off, it will be soon.

    There are things that would be nice like slides and bigger tanks. Those means more weight and some trails we just wouldn't fit down. More complicated also means more to break.
  • Take the $$ you would have spent on a new one and use it to do some camping and traveling. No need to replace the trailer unless you have a real need to do so!!

  • Did you say it was paid for?:):):)

    I understand exactly how you feel. Our is paid for also, besides we have made literally hundreds of modifications, so big. some small, to make the trailer exactly what we want.

    I haven't got the energy to start all over again.