mtofell1 wrote:
Go to an Autozone (Lots of them around the Portland area) and they will read it and give you a print out for free. No room for making stuff up to sell you parts, as some others have suggested could happen.
It's not that they make stuff up. But they certainly try to sell you stuff. As I said above many codes are generic and aren't necessarily pointing to the exact cause of the code. I used to have them read codes, but man what a hassle. Waste of time going there, often having to wait for someone who has the time to do it, and then having them try and sell you something that you probably don't need.
As said above, if you have an an Andriod phone or tablet you can read the codes, and do far more, for less than $30 for both the app and ODBII reader, and do it in the comfort of your own driveway. Better, if you are on a trip you don't have to hassle looking for an AutoZone or equivalent.