Forum Discussion

Oasisbob's avatar
Dec 03, 2015


Please forgive my ignorance here. Our check engine light on dash came on a few days ago. Engine runs fine and sounds great. Is the on board computer set up to signal when a maintenance issue has not been taken care of or is due? I will have the code read. Is this info trust worthy? I changed the oil myself last week. I am an old school guy so just not up on this computer info. This is in reference to the car in my signiture
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    Make sure your gas cap is installed correctly. Some auto parts stores will loan you a code reader to use right in the parking lot. Oil change places have them too.
  • did you just fill up with gas. this can cause the fumes from gas tank to issue a light.
    cant remember for sure, but I think AAmco does it for free
  • Hey Bob,
    If you have a smart phone, down Torque app, and buy a OBDll dongle from ebay. With this app you can read and clear the codes yourself for less than 20 dollars. Not only that, but Torque can be configured to give you real time information from your vehicle. What and how much depends on what the manufacturer has allowed.