Jim in Denver wrote:
How are you and the Polish princess doing?
Sorry about not answering you, right away Jim. Me and Her Majesty are still hanging in there. I think we're on yr 38 or so. There have been no royal edicts this week as I repair Her castle and Her transportation. Good to hear from you.
About the charging, gassing, and batteries: Nearly every battery has a charging voltage it's happy with and this can be seen if observation allows in its use and measurements are taken. Known beforehand is that batteries do have a finite lifetime, amount of use and charging discipline make the most difference. Batteries like to be immediately charged when depleted and ideally, a float charge is constant. A battery will always produce gas when charged. Even an AGM gasses but the gas is reintroduced inside the battery.
I try to keep my batteries fully charged and solar makes this easy, it does the charging better than I could with manual chargers. Yes, electrolyte is lost but filling a battery is easy. The trick is to do it often, not wait until plates are exposed or about to be exposed.