shotgunner wrote:
We had it worse on our last big trip. Going over the LaVita pass in CO, about 1/4 mile from the top, towing the same TT with a Diesel Suburban and BAM! The engine blew. Had to get the truck and the camper towed back to Pueblo and bought the Ford Excursion that afternoon. Happy trails again! :)
The Wilderness is a 2000 model, so yes, those were the original tires! (sorry, don't remember the brand)
Fourteen years on OEM trailer tires- could be a record!
Per your last year Big Adventure: We had
exactly the same experience one year, only we weren't towing. Had the back of the pickup simply crammed with our tentcamping gear. Engine on the truck blew, had 'er towed to the nearest Ford dealer, transferred all the gear in to the back of the first truck that struck our fancy, and continued on the trip! Good times...:B