Dadoffourgirls wrote:
Charlie D. wrote:
Navigation came on my 2014 Impala and I don't like it. I wouldn't buy it again. Have to call OnStar for a route and they can't provide you with a via point, only one point to another. I like my Garmin better and can add via points ahead of time.
This was not the navigation radio if you have to call OnStar. This is OnStar turn by turn directions that are displayed in the Chevrolet MyLink display.
You can still call OnStar with the nav radio. I do it sometimes when the radio doesn't recognize some towns. OnStar will program the route for you and send it to your radio.
At one time you used to be able to send directions from MapQuest to your nav radio but I haven't seen that option on MapQuest anymore, unless I'm just missing it.
Turn by Turn will show up in the dash display.