If you are planning on buying an older DA, choose the 2006 and newer, everything from 2006 on has the stronger Allison 6 speed as opposed to 5 speed and has the better LBZ/LMM/LXX motor. I am getting ~17-19 MPG unloaded, mostly hwy driving and 11-12.5 MPG calculated towing on moderatly level terrain. I don't calc fuel mileage any more, my DIC is almost exactly 10% higher than calculated so I just accept that reading minus 10%. There are many "mods" you can perform- bigger exhaust, high flow air boxes, chips, etc, but none of these will probably ever pay for their cost but sound and performance are better. The single best "mod" I have found is keeping my louvered tailgat on all the time, I actually calculated a .5 MPG improvement. It's also interesting that I am getting better MPG towing our new heavier 5th wheel, I think the cap makes it more aerodynamic. Just my $0.02USD....