Fought tooth and nail back in the 90's when working for a $17Billion/year revenue corporation
At executive staff and reviewed a presentation of outsourcing our manufacturing...okay, but noted that we are paying them to become our competitors in manufacturing...but shot down because we were behind the curve in that regards vs competitors
When a few years later, presented outsourcing our engineering...hit the roof, but shot down again...
They got tired of my irritating positions and finally after 3 laid off from my best job ever...
We paid them (China & India) to become our competitors. Paid them to build up their infrastructure (roads, schools, homes/housing, health, disposable income {discretionary}, brand new buildings both for manufacturing...but now offices for designers/engineers and a big ETC)
Meanwhile our system in decay. Kids not going into technology, but pure business that is what is needed to 'manage' them over seas...but lost is the knowledge of what they are managing
Rant as it is a done deal...The American Middle Class is no longer the wealthiest in the world...Canada is now the #1. #2 is ours, but China is moving up fast as their middle class (we paid them) is growing by leaps and bounds...but their total population mass dilutes this
So, agree with Bedlam on the "FACT" that they are now peers with Americans in innovation. Same thing happened between Japan and the USA...
Bedlam wrote:
As others have posted, you can get quality Chinese products if you are willing to pay for that quality (go with the lowest bidder and you will eventually find out the why and how). You still pay less for a similar Chinese product of equal quality workmanship and material due to weak labor laws and low incomes (even Thailand, India and Pakistan have trouble competing on labor costs). What I do not see out the Chinese lately is innovation - I see them evolving a few products and copying too many. It's sad because they have a rich history of inventions.