Ron3rd wrote:
Ever hear of the Chevy Vega? Look it up.
My first wife and I bought a new one the first year they were out. Got rear ended the first day when traffic moved in the left turn lane and the guy behind us took off. It back fired when cold all the time on compression. We separated and she said the muffle blew up. She said, maybe it was the back firing??? They replaced her muffle for free.
Fast forward a year and my new girl friend had one that blew the troublesome head gasket. I changed it. The back of the block was about 6 or 7 " left to right and about 3/4" wide front to back with free standing cylinder liners. Nothing to hold the head gasket in place back there with dissimilar metals between block and head!
Very poor design!
Small block conversion was cool however, as they were cute little cars.