Forum Discussion

Passme's avatar
Apr 23, 2017

Clear coat protection

Good morning, we just purchased a 36' travel trailer and were offered the usual plethora of protection goodies, none of which we are considering accept the "never fade" paint protection. Clear coat protection. Runs around $2000 Canadian and kinda makes sense for resale value, decal delamination issues. But pricey eh?(had to throw that in there, sorry). Does yearly waxing and the work it involves do the same thing? Is there other finish protection options? Thanks for your input.
  • Clear coat is nothing but trouble on cars. When it goes it is very expensive to fix. In the old days you could just buff out problems with rubbing compound. I hate clear coat. Just wax your trailer if you are fastidious.
  • Like others said. Just wash it, and wax it. Best thing you can do. Keep it waxed, and it will look good for years, and years. Keep it waxed, AND covered, and it will look good forever.
  • The resale value on a TT drops likely a stone in water. The new look is mostly a pride of ownership issue. I would not try to justify it based on resale.
  • ScottG wrote:
    Their fancy coating they slather on is a product you can buy at paint supply houses and costs around $35~$50 a gallon.
    Don't waste your money on this profit maker.

    x2 and if you just say no they many knock it down to about $500.
  • Their fancy coating they slather on is a product you can buy at paint supply houses and costs around $35~$50 a gallon.
    Don't waste your money on this profit maker.
  • Waxing and storing under a cover or inside when not in use.
  • IMHO waxing several times a year will protect your TT as well as can be against fading.