ryoung wrote:
sleepy wrote:
I follow the tire mfg's recommendation... and fill the tire to the max on the sidewall of the tire... the tire has less rolling resistance at 80psi than at 65 psi.. that translates into better MPG at 80 psi
If you are not carrying a sufficient load to require the maximum sidewall pressure, then you don't need to inflate the tires to that pressure.
True the tire may have less rolling resistance, but it also will have abnormal wear. More important, safety wise, it will have less braking and traction ability as it is over inflated.
did you quote me or take a line out of context? No matter.
My TC is on 99% of the time... it's an 1161 with lots of mods... it really "likes" 80 psi all around...
If I had a little TC I might need to lower the psi... wouldn't need a dually either.
After 40 years of doing this I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing.
And I get very good milage on the tires, even wear all across... I do have the alignment checked anytime I see a reason to.